Rolling Rock
Brewed by:
Latrobe Brewing Co.
Missouri, United States
Style | ABV
American Adjunct Lager | 4.60% ABV
Availability: Year-round
Notes & Commercial Description:
Beer added by: Todd on 03-02-2001
Using a time-honored recipe with only the finest malted barley and blend of hops, Rolling Rock is a classic American lager that is as well-known for its distinctive, full-bodied taste as it is for its craftsmanship, heritage and painted green bottle.
Full-flavored, with a subtle bite. Light-to-medium body and color. Brewed with only the choicest ingredients; a perfect blend of pale barley malt, rice and corn.
Bad Dog Bar & Grill
Bains BBQ and Smokehouse
Paddy Flaherty's
Rondo's Pizza Plus
Sarnia Riding Club
Stokes Bay Grill & Bar