Labatt Blue
Brewed by:
Labatt Brewing Company Ltd.
Ontario, Canada
Style | ABV
American Adjunct Lager | 5.00% ABV
Availability: Year-round
Notes & Commercial Description:
Beer added by: BeerAdvocate on 08-30-2001
Labatt Blue is the best-selling Canadian beer in the world. Introduced in 1951 as Labatt Pilsener, it was named for the colour of its label by fans of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers football team. Blue was the first brand in Canada with a twist-off cap and won the silver medal in the International Lager category at the 1998 Brewing Industry International Awards. Labatt Blue, brewed using specially selected aromatic hops, is a well-balanced, fully matured, full-flavoured beer with a fruity character and a slightly sweet aftertaste
Who Has It?
Bad Dog Bar & Grill
Bain's BBQ and Smokehouse
Rondo's PIzza Plus
Stokes Bay Grill & Bar
Two Amigos