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Mad & Noisy by Hops and Bolts


Brewed by: 
Creemore Springs Brewery Limited 
Ontario, Canada

Style | ABV 
American Pale Lager |  5.30% ABV 

Availability: Year-round

Notes & Commercial Description: 
Beer added by: Sammy on 12-27-2012

We have turned our brew house into a brewer’s playground with the introduction of our Craft Beer Exploration Series called Mad & Noisy Brewing, named after the two rivers that merge and flow through the village of Creemore. Hops & Bolts India Pale Lager is the first release in our ever changing series of imaginative, innovative, and delicious craft concoctions. A Czech twist on an English IPA it takes the best components of a lager and an ale and rivets them together to build a beer much greater than the sum of its parts. 

60 IBU

Paddy Flaherty's

Who Has It?

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